Blog Archive
Its summer – the time for fun! As you guys already know, here at ROBLOX HQ, we have been making some special admin themed gears to celebrate summer and thought it would be great to have another week of awesome admin gears! That’s right, Part 2 of Admin themed gears! Check ’em out
Builderman’s Hammer of Shimmering Light
– We all know that Builderman loves to build, but he’s also a warrior. When he wants to pwn, he whips out his Hammer of Light! Shiny from head to toe this hammer is capable of breaking some heads and blinding anyone nearby!
Njay’s Web Blaster
– Njay likes to associate himself with webs. While he writes web code like no tomorrow, he also uses his special hand made spider gun to shoot web and pin others to the walls and do some serious damage!
Sorcus’s Sword of Judgement
– Behold the power of judgement. Crafted using ancient metal, this sword tests its opponent’s will against its wielder. If the wielder succeeds then he shall hold a power which has no equal, JUDGEMENT!
Telamon’s Foe Hammer
– Everyone knows about the legendary ban hammer, but when that isn’t enough, Telamon unveils his dark hammer of foe. The powerful hammer casts ancient dark magic on its foes, spawning a skeleton of great strength that it can control for its master.
Please discuss the new gear items in the forums.
– Sorcus