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Interview with Sorcus!

April 26, 2011

by reesemcblox


Please welcome Sorcus! He’s been working here a little while and we want everyone to know what he’s been up to.

Q: What are you working on at ROBLOX?

Gear creation and Scripting.

Q: Who else at ROBLOX you are teamed up with, if anyone?

I work with Telamon and Brighteyes.

Q: What are your Hobbies?

Gaming and Writing Fantasy novels.

Q: Do you like games? If so which ones?

I love games. My favorite games of all time are Defense of the Ancients, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, and Prince of Persia the Warrior Within.

Q: What college did you go to?

I went to Carnegie Mellon University for my Masters degree.

Q: Do you have a message for the players?

It inspires me to see the great work that you guys are doing on ROBLOX. Keep it up!

“Sorcus is one of our most talented engineers! He’s got a great sense for what our users want and has made some of our most epic gear yet. My personal favorite is the Redcliff Bow and Arrow. His sense of whimsy is unparalleled.” 


Send him a welcoming message on our forums!
