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Robloxia will be receiving five (that’s right, five!) new pieces of gear this weekend. Let’s take a look at what is coming out…
The Adventures of Noob Boy: Part 1 – Help save the noob from the angry green circles! Use A and D to move left and right, and W to jump. This is the first 2D platformer we have released in a gear, so come be a part of Robloxian history!
Drum Kit –Jam along with your guitar buddies, or maybe indulge in a ten minute drum solo abstraction of the time/space continuum…. What are we kidding? Just hit those drums!
Gravitational Radiation Hammer v0.01 – Utilizing the latest in subspace/molecular deformation technology for mining on the planet Ysteb, the Gravity Hammer will expel objects surrounding its user in an outward vector. Warning: currently the Gravity Hammer does not work on objects that contain anchoritium.
Handcannon – The Handcannon was recently discovered in a deep sea dive to recover artifacts from Blackbeard’s sunken pirate ship. It is rumored only Blackbeard himself was able to wield this mighty weapon.
Flamethrower – It’s finally here, the flamethrower. A highly requested item, Robloxians everywhere can now smell the napalm in the morning. Or afternoon or evening as well I guess.
Talk about the new gear in the forums.