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Summer Egg Hunt Results Thus Far…

July 26, 2010

by John Shedletsky



ROBLOXia has been hunting eggs like crazy for the past several days. Today is the last scheduled day of the egg hunt, but we are thinking about running it for an extra couple of days towards the end of this week. You can vote on whether the egg hunt should be extended or not as part of our Summer Egg Hunt Survey.

Now for some egg hunt stats. I’ve seen a lot of questions like this on the forums – “I just found a Red Faberge Egg! Is it RARE!?” (the answer is yes). The following is a table of the results of the egg hunt thus far. The right column “X in 10000” is the number of each egg one would expect to see if 10000 eggs spawned in your game at the same time. The variations in the Number Found between rarity classes is due to some eggs being harder to catch than others. For example, the Scenic Egg of the Clouds is common, but only survives at high altitudes, making it hard to find on most maps – as a result it is more rare than the Zombie egg, which is actually a “rare” egg.

  Number Found Percent of Total X in 10000
COMMON 861133 69.46% 6946
Red No Blue 166421 13.42% 1342
Bullet 78652 6.34% 634
Ugly 153666 12.39% 1239
Shy 125532 10.13% 1013
POW! 147461 11.89% 1189
Clouds 18736 1.51% 151
Fiery 118325 9.54% 954
Starry 52340 4.22% 422
UNCOMMON 314199 25.34% 2534
Gold 79894 6.44% 644
Day 64310 5.19% 519
Night 16384 1.32% 132
Rusty 62340 5.03% 503
Kaboom 45142 3.64% 364
Extinct 46129 3.72% 372
RARE 40007 3.23% 323
Zombie 25806 2.08% 208
Singularity 12298 0.99% 99
Crimson 1903 0.15% 15
Faberge 24450 1.97% 197
Blue 13131 1.06% 106
Red 6740 0.54% 54
Green 2827 0.23% 23
Pink 1159 0.09% 9
Hivemind 593 0.05% 5
TOTAL 1239789    

– Telamon