Blog Archive
We know that many players are excited about the idea of visiting the ROBLOX offices! It can seem like a fantastic dream!
In reality it is just an office building with some people working hard to make ROBLOX game and website run smoothly. Though we do sometimes have fun chair races with the interns!
The office is located in sunny (and sometimes rainy) Redwood City, California.
What usually happens at a visit is that the players and their parents hang out with the staff for about 45 minutes. The players can share their ideas about ROBLOX with Telamon and see what the office looks like. Builderman may stop by to say hello. Players can visit Hat World with Brighteyes or Gear World with jeditkacheff to see what items are coming out soon!
This summer we have specific visiting days and times which are the only days available for visiting ROBLOX. Friday July 2, 2010 Visit requests must come from the parent or guardian of the player. A guardian must come to the visit. Parents should start by sending an email to [email protected] requesting visit details. |
Appointments need to be set up ahead of time. There may be other families visiting at the same appointment, but we will make sure each player gets to share their ideas and talk to the staff! Players should not drop by unannounced, as the staff are very busy.
You can talk more about chair races with the interns and visiting ROBLOX on our forums!