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ROBLOX is eggcited to invite our users to Eggstravaganza 2010! Eggstravaganza is an exciting egg hunt that will be going on this weekend – beginning at 2:00PM (PDT) on Friday, April 2nd. At predetermined times – eggs will rain from the sky in every ROBLOX game. Once it starts raining eggs – the hunt is on! Get in game and start trying to get the eggs before other players do. Each type of egg behaves differently, so you’ll have to figure out how to earn each one.
Once you’ve captured an egg a message will pop up on screen to let you know that you’ve collected it. The egg will show up in your hat inventory and you’re free to wear it!
This year’s egg hunt is sponsored by our Builders Club Members. Builders Club is our premium subscription service – membership has all sorts of benefits, which you can read more about here. All new and current Builders Club members will receive a copy of the Egg Basket gear item, which allows the player to collect an unlimited number of different eggs. Free members are welcome to join in the fun. However, without the basket they can only carry 3 eggs in their online inventory.
The first *official* egg drop will occur at 2:00PM (PDT) on Friday April 2nd, followed by another egg drop at 4:00 PM (PDT). On Saturday, the egg drop will begin at 3:00 AM (PDT) and eggs will drop every two hours after that until the end of Sunday, April 4th. The ROBLOX Team may do test egg drops prior to this time, or whenever else we feel like it.
Keep and eye on the News Section for future Eggstravaganza updates, there will be some good ones!
You can talk about Eggstravaganza 2010 here!