Blog Archive
We’re full up on interns now! There are five of them all working together in the section of the office we call the "Pixel Mines”. Last time we introduced Core433 and xmaximusx. Here are the other three…
One of our interns from last year is back! Welcome back Socom1880. He’s a Junior at a local High School. He is busy helping Brighteyes get the new hats and gear ready. It’s like a pixel factory around here!
Shirsoft goes to Stanford University. He is working with Madrak to learn a bunch of cool programming skills! Shirsoft’s favorite computer games are Tomb Raider Underworld and Ninja Gaiden. He likes to play beach volleyball and squash as hobbies.
Classicx89 studies electrical engineering at UCLA during the school year. He likes table tennis and basketball as hobbies. For computer games is totally into RPGs and first person shooters!
The interns are working super hard on all kinds of cool projects. We’re sure they’ll come up with some awesome new things for ROBLOX! Send them a friend request or greet them on our forum!