Blog Archive
The community rose to the challenge and produced some really great trailers for this contest! The staff was really impressed by what they saw. In fact we increased the number of home-page winners to almost double, because there were so many qualified entries.
Best Videos
These users were chosen by the staff and have won a chance for their video to appear on the ROBLOX home page! Telamon is the final judge of what appears there so keep an eye out.
Winners: 1penguin10, blaster395x, Dayren, EonFire1002, Excelerate, ICE128, jumpman350, Maxxz, OwnagerTom, robug, Rubix47, SharpTH, Sim55, sonic17TH, ToaZuku, xC3110x, Yaneru
Top Viewed Videos
Here are the top viewed videos winners. These users will receive the Zunith Ultimate. We loved these videos as well and increased the number of top viewed video winners. Everyone should check out the contest entry videos on YouTube!
100mar 1Aman1 1ammo1 1penguin10 6sharks adamboy37 Ashispro97 Bigwig222 blabmovies blackserpent blaster395x Bloxmin cactuar64 Caseyfam Cassian Chaddster Championkid55567 charmeleonguy CHEEEEEEESE Clayguy247 Clubspongey conga22 cooybear CounterClockwork Darknut Darthmicah Dayren DjCrash7 Drakeydogy5 Ducke1177 |
EonFire1002 Epikachu Excelerate Farvei ferb12321 firechase FrznTear GameManXD gkku greenblur Hacker225 HeadOfCheese HellMage501 HoboDudeMan HP7212 ICE128 ilikepie757 Imlovingit irmike ironman867 jkid243 Jonathanroxcp JoshtheLego jumpman350 Kamgs967 leg0builder link236 LinkinParker2 linzemol lolcat007 |
LuigiLuigiMario Mango64 marioman2468 MarioMario54321 Maxxz metamaster765167 mijoki mikemaximum33 Motorstephen Nathancool Nintendoboy Optimus557 OwnagerTom Piecrust Prinplup14 pup848 randomly Ratticus17 redbuffel redspear74 roachfingers robug rojomango15 Rubix47 sacridagent SharpTH Shoopo SierraTheGreat sim55 Sledbub |
sleepygurl99 Slider1855 SmileDude sonic17TH sonic3895 SonicBoy Spyguy31796 STARSCR3AM Stickmasterluke studioeriger777 supercoolkitty superlolman T0XIC themumboking tiger12220 ToaZuku twister886 Vader10 VoidWhisperer watersurf17 Werewolf1471 Whacka WiiPlayerJTG wonkapot2 wweadx2 xC3110x XFIREDOOMX Yaneru zeldafan334 |
All Entries
Everyone who entered the contest correctly will receive the Magnablox Trinitron. The correct way to enter was to post the video with tags, and fill out the entry form. The mostly-complete list of entered users can be found here. If you filled out the form and posted a valid video you should get the hat. Simple as that.
A TV on Every Head
A TV on every head is our motto (for today). We are selling this lovely Colonel Electric 144 Hz RCA TruVision so that everyone who really wants one can get it! It’s a cute little retro TV, like the kind your Great-Great-Grandma may have watched her Grandma watch. Hooray!
Thanks to everyone who participated in this contest. The results really are stellar! Talk about it more on our forum.