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Introducing the ROBLOX Ambassador Program

April 22, 2009

by John Shedletsky



One of the most frequent questions that players ask Builderman is: “Can I work for you?” or “Do you have a job for me?” We’ve never had a good answer to these questions before. That has changed.

ROBLOX now offers gainful employment for ambassadors – players who go out of their way to spread the word about ROBLOX, our favorite free game on the internet.

Anyone can be an ambassador. You can work as little or as much as you feel like. It’s pretty easy. And, yes, this is a paying job.

How it WorksAbassadorProgramPage

Being an ambassador is as easy as one, two. Here’s what you do to get started:

0. Visit the ROBLOX Ambassador Program page. You can find a link to this page from your My ROBLOX page, next to the picture of your avatar.

1. There is some HTML code for a link in the textbox in the middle of the page. Post this code to another website on the internet. It needs to be EXACT, otherwise it won’t work.

2. In the box above the the “Submit Link” button, paste the URL of the page your link appears on. This needs to be the EXACT page, because we will look for your link there before giving you credit.

That’s all! You’ve submitted your first link. You can repeat the above process to add additional links to your inventory.

Check Your Progress


So what happens to all these links that you submit? When do you get paid? How does getting paid work anyways?

All the links you submit go into your Link Inventory (there is a link to it from your My ROBLOX page). Here you can see all the links that you have submitted. Each link can either be in one of four states:

Running (Green) – We’ve found your link and it is perfect. As long as it stays this way, we’ll pay you 2 tix per day – just for keeping this link up. If you have more than one green link, we will pay 2 tix per day for each link! However, we don’t want you to spam the same website over and over again with our link, so for this reason you can only make 2 tix per domain. The domain is the front part of the link (for example: “” or “”).

Pending (Blue) – You’ve submitted your link, but we haven’t checked it yet. During busy times, it may take us a while to check links, so give it a couple of minutes.

Problem (Yellow) – There are several things that can be wrong with your link. Either we can’t find it, or you didn’t use the EXACT link code we gave you, or you put the link on a private webpage that we can’t check (like your Facebook profile).

Dead (Red) – We’ve tried to find your link several times and have given up. You might as well delete these from your inventory.

That’s all there is to it! There’s currently a cap preventing users from making more than 100 tix per day as part of the Ambassador Program. The program is an experiment and we may change things around later.

Bonus Round

There’s a new badge! You get it for making 6 or more tix in one day of working for the Ambassador program (this is 3 green links).

Double Bonus Round


BAM! 64 character colors. We wanted to do this for the last release, but ran out of time. Pretty colors…

Double Overtime Bonus Round


This is Madrak. He has mad coding skillz and he’s the newest member of the ROBLOX Team.

Don’t mess with him, because he’s from Texas.

Madrak is putting the finishing touches on a really cool feature he’s been working on for ROBLOX builders. Probably we’ll roll it into the next release as a surprise.

Say hi!

– Telamon