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By popular request we’re having a building contest! Hooray!
What we would like to see for this contest are just tons and tons of
wood-based places. We want you to use the new wood textured brick
surface. To affect the look of your bricks:
In ROBLOX Studio, you can use the properties browser to select “Wood” as the material for any part.
And that’s how you make Wood bricks!
Ideas for how to use wood include changing the look of floors, walls,
roofs, furniture, and even vehicles like ships. We have seen some
clever wooden people places. You aren’t limited to how wood works in the
real world.
Worlds of Wood Building Contest Details
Phase 1: You have from now until Monday April 6th at 9am to build and
perfect your wood based place. You enter the contest by putting the
word "worldsofwood" in your place name.
The wood items in your place should be clearly obvious. It doesn’t have to be 100% wood, but the wood should look awesome and be a part of the theme.
An example place name might be:
worldsofwood Rodeo with Wood Stadium and Barrels!!
Be sure to backup your current place before you start working, so you
can find it again after the contest. More about backing up and getting
old places back is here.
Phase 2: From Monday April 6 – Monday April 13 we will be counting
visits to all the places that are entered. Only the visits for those days (4/6 – 4/13) will count towards winning. That is the time to get people to visit your awesome wood place! We’ll know how many visits were gathered by looking in our database.
Phase 3: On Monday April 13 we will look in our database to see who
got the most visits to their Worlds of Wood place between 4/6 and 4/13. The prizes and parade will be published by Thursday April 16.
Shiny Prizes!
Actually I don’t know yet if they are shiny. I am sure they will be
awesome though!
Entry Prize – Everyone who makes the place with "worldsofwood", AND
has wood in their place, will get the entry prize. We will know if you have wood parts from our database.
Top 100 Prize – The top 100 Worlds of Wood places by visits will get the Entry and a cooler prize.
Top 10 Prize – The top 10 Worlds of Wood places by visits will get the Entry prize, the Top 100 Prize, the Top 10 Prize, and be featured in a
parade on the News.
Q & A
Q: Can I make more than one contest entry on my fancy Builders Club account?
A: No, only one entry place per account. You can make more wood places, just have only one with the ‘worldsofwood" title.Q: Can I enter if I am in SuperSafe Privacy protection? I can’t rename my place. 🙁
A: Ask your parent to turn the SuperSafe Privacy setting off long enough for you to change the name of your place to include the word "worldsofwood". When the contest is over you can ask them to help you change it back.Q: Can I buy ads to get people to visit my place?
A: Yes, but you should only do that between 4/6 – 4/12 or you will be wasting your Tix.Q: Can we work in teams?
A: No, it’s every ROBLOXIAN for themselves. You can get your friends to help you but only the place owner will get the prizes.
Okay, go get started building! You can talk about this contest more on
our forums!