Blog Archive
You know those tests that they make you take in school? Pop quiz: one of these three things does not belong:
New Hats
ReeseMcBlox’s Guide to Instant Sunshine – If you answered “A”, you’re a winner. We put it to a vote in the forum today, and about 90% of people thought it would be interesting to release one user-made book per week. These books will be limited release and collectible. This one was made by CheckItOut.
Knight Helmet – In the dark ages, a lot of helmets were basically buckets you wore on your head. This hat is fashioned in that style.
Samurai Helmet – This Samurai helmet is your chance to own an elite-looking helmet at a very fair price. Honor demands that you buy now!
New Faces
Frightening Unibrow – This guy looks upset because his unibrow is so ugly.
Toothy Drool – The only thing that is worse than a drooling noob is a drooling noob with big teeth. RAWR!
Anguished – For when the Sad face is not sad enough, the Existential Angst face is too sad, and the Sad Zombie face is too undead. It happens more often than you might think.
Stare – I love this face. It’s perfect for expressing total and complete emotional void to other people on teh internets (lol).
– Telamon