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I Love ROBLOX Parade

January 22, 2009

by reesemcblox


3202832172_d2b94ed650_m The event is officially over. We got tons of entries! Like, thousands of entries. Thanks to everyone who sent in a photo of themselves, the sign, and an item. Now we have a great list of user-suggested products to advertise. With your awesome pictures we can go to the companies who make these things and show them that our users are very enthusiastic! And then the ads on ROBLOX will be much more fun. Hooray!

What about the hat reward?

We are still getting all the names from the emails and then giving out the I Love ROBLOX hats to valid entrants. It’s a time-consuming process. Everyone who sent a valid entry before the deadline will get the hat. Please be patient.

Please don’t message Builderman or other staff about this hat. Don’t panic. I will sort everything out by the end of the month.

Now for the parade!

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The parade goes on and on. Click the more link to see the rest of the photos. We received many more photos than this but haven’t saved them all from the emails yet.

You can talk about it more on our forum, but please don’t reveal personal information. We don’t want people knowing what you look like, even if it’s just your hand!



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