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ROBLOX Olympics Building Contest

August 01, 2008

by reesemcblox


We’re having a building contest. Yay!

The theme for this contest is the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. We want you to build a ROBLOX place to host one of the games. Then once everything is in place there will be plenty of locations for people to play Olympics games of your own.

How To Enter

1. Make a new place with the title “Olympics2008 ________________” with whatever you want to call the place on the blank line.


Olympics2008 Laoshan Velodrome

Olympics2008 I’m gonna win place

Olympics2008 Archery shooting range

2. Your place must be on your main account and still there at the time the contest ends Monday August 11 at 5pm Pacific. The prizes will only go to your main account.

3. The place must be Olympic Games related. It must be about one of the Olympic sports, or be one of the locations for the Beijing 2008 games.

On the Official Beijing Olympics site there is a list of the sports, and a list of the locations the games are being held. Go check out the games and locations to get ideas for what you’d like your entry to be. Also it might be fun to include the Official Mascots of the games into your place somehow.

Video Contest Mini-Event

In addition to the building contest, we’re having a small video contest. To enter post your video to YouTube with the following tags: ROBLOX Olympics Beijing. Remember to put your username and a link to ROBLOX website. The video can be any length but must be about ROBLOX, the Beijing 2008 Olympics, and comply with the ROBLOX Community Guidelines. The 5 players with the most views on August 11, 2008 will win 300 Tix each and a Black Ring Hat.

How To Win

Prize Winners will be chosen in the following way. At midnight (Pacific Time) at the end of the contest we will run a database search to find the Visits count and Favorites count for entries. Our searches will know how many visits and favorites came after the start of the contest.


Hat Prize

Tix Award

10 Visits

Green Ring

100 Visits

Yellow Ring

1000 Visits

Blue Ring

500 Favorites

Red Ring


Black Ring

Top Visits

All Rings

500 Tix

Top Favorites

All Rings

500 Tix

We realize that one person may win more than one category. That is allowed. To prevent popularity loading we will not announce the winners of any prize until Monday August 11 at 5pm Pacific time.

*The Mystery requirement will not be revealed until the end of the contest. Don’t ask!

We may possibly give out more prizes than this, for different requirements. We reserve the right to add ways to win to the contest.

Example: Stadium by olyimpicman.


Only one entry per player. A player with Builder’s Club may make up to 10 entries but will not receive multiples of the same hat.

Advertising your place on the forums is only allowed in the Creations Gallery. Posts in other forums will be locked or deleted.

Renaming a place that already has a lot of visits is OK. Our database search will factor out all your previous visits and favorites.

Your place must still be on your account at the time the contest ends. All the prizes will be delivered within 1 week of the contest ending.

We can’t wait to see what sorts of sports places, arenas, and fun locations you guys can make for this contest. The contest starts now so get to building!
