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Textbook Craze Over

October 5, 2007

by John Shedletsky


September is done and everyone is back to school. Accordingly, textbook mania on ROBLOX has come to a close. As hinted in the Back to School post, everyone who was able to collect all 11 books will be getting a small prize, the Teapot Tome. For those of you who missed out on the textbook craze, all textbooks will be on sale in the Catalog for the next couple of days. Then most of them will probably disappear.

There were 35 people who were lucky enough or persistent enough to collect all the textbooks:

There were 35 other people who were missing one book and 40 people who were missing two books. The hardest to get book was Finnegan’s Wake, which I don’t believe was ever on sale for more than an hour at a time. The second hardest to find book was Quantum Chromodynamics for Dummies.

– Telamon