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Roblox 1st International Humorous Video Contest

July 13, 2007

by stoecker


Many people have been making great videos. Search “Roblox” on Youtube and you’ll find music videos, blooper reels, and epic battles. Here is one we particularly liked:

This is the kind of video we would like to see in the Roblox 1st International Humorous Video Contest! You get to show off your skills to all of Roblox and Youtube, and of course there are great prizes:

First Prize: Free, custom designed hat by clockwork! + 1000 R$

Second Prize: 500 R$

Third Prize: 250 R$


1. Create a humorous ROBLOX video. You can learn how to make Roblox movies from our tutorial.

2. Please make all videos suitable for viewing by kids, grandmas, school teachers, and your next door neighbor. No profanity or inappropriate images.

3. Videos should be between 10 seconds and 2 minutes long. Most of the footage should come from in-game play.

4. Upload your video to our Youtube group. Go to the site, click “Join Group”, then click “Upload Video”. (We will then moderate your video – it won’t be visible immediately.) If you already have a video, you can add it to the group by clicking Add. Make sure to include your Roblox username in the description!

5. Contest Closes Sunday night, July 22nd at midnight PST. All videos must be posted by this time.

6. Feel free to advertise your video in the forums.

7. Videos done early will possibly receive advertising in our news section.

8. Judging will be done by a panel of judges, to be selected by ROBLOX.

We need judges to help us keep the contest fair!

To be a judge:

1. Send a message to the Roblox account videocontest telling us why you are interested in being a judge. In the message, confirm that you will not be entering the contest under your current or a different user name.

2. Confirm that you will be available to judge the videos on either Monday, July 23rd or Tuesday July 24th.

3. Judges do not receive any special privileges. They will only be doing judging for this contest. If you see a judge claiming that he has special powers, please tell us so that we can exclude him from entry.

4. If you apply to be a judge but do not get in, you can still make a video.

We will pick a team of judges by Wednesday night, July 18nd at midnight PST – if you are a judge, you will receive a message with further instructions. Winners will be announced on Wednesday, July 25th. We’re excited to see what you can make!

-clockwork, Builderman, & stoecker