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Game Developer’s Conference

March 06, 2007

by John Shedletsky


Team Roblox is going to the annual Game Developer’s Conference in San Francisco this week. The GDC is the annual event for the video games industry – a conference “by developers, for developers”. The rest of the team is going to talk shop and do recruiting – we’ll all be wearing Roblox T-shirts, so come up and say “hi”.

Game Developer's Conference

I’ve wanted to go to the GDC since I found out about it sometime in middle school – so I am very excited about it. I got there under my own steam this year. My Stanford computer science senior project, Euclidean Crisis, is one of ten Independant Game Festival finalists for Best Student Game. Accordingly, team Euclidean Crisis got free passes.

Game Developer's Conference

Euclidean Crisis is a retro-styled RTS played on the TabletPC (or wall displays!) using only a stylus and voice commands. It was developed by a team of four students in ten weeks. EC is still very rough around the edges, if you are curious about it my team has put together a short video presentation.

Game Developer's Conference

Having a project like Euclidean Crisis to demo while I was looking for game programming jobs made it very easy to get game programming jobs (even on high-profile projects – I was offered a PM job working on Halo 3 from MS). If you are interested in getting into the industry, it’s never to early to begin to assemble a portfolio.

I’m going to be out of the office for two days – but when I get back I’ll share my GDC picture/stories and you guys can share your cool customized characters.

– Telamon